What My Beloved Dog Taught Me That Helped to Heal My Relationship With Food and Body

Lessons I've Learned Lily Disney.png

Happy National Pet Day! I know this may just seem like an excuse to show you a picture of my beloved fur baby, Lily Disney, but I promise, it's more than that. 

Recovering from diet culture can be rough! After all, when we ditch dieting to live a more satisfying life without the constant preoccupation with food, we are essentially becoming like salmon swimming upstream and that's not easy! This is why it's important to surround ourselves with people who nourish and encourage us instead of drain us. In this journey, it's also important to keep our hearts and minds open so we can learn from all living creatures (including pets, plants, insects, etc.) because even though they cannot speak, they have a lot to say if we're paying attention.  

One day I was literally brought to tears thinking about what Lily has taught me. Yes, she reminds me to love myself and others unconditionally, but it's more than that. I acknowledge that a humans life is a lot more complicated than her cushy life is, but she still reminds me about what really matters in life. 

Lily Disney has taught me to...

  1. Bask in the sunshine.

  2. Go after what I want with gusto!

  3. Drink lots of water. 

  4. Run and play like a child. 

  5. Eat without apology.

  6. Rest when I'm tired. 

  7. Snuggle up with the ones I love. 

  8. Be optimistic when meeting people. 

  9. Savor the power of touch. 

  10. Speak up when I need something. 

  11. Be proud of my body no matter what. 

  12. Never give up. 

  13. Always forgive. 

  14. Love myself and others unconditionally. 

Healing a relationship with food is more than just about learning to eat when you're hungry and stopping when you're full.

Healing a relationship with food is about being present and mindful so that our lives can have meaning and purpose outside of the food. When we free up that emotional space we notice and appreciate the things around us that truly fill our hearts with joy and satisfaction. When we're obsessing about food and are dissatisfied with our bodies, there is no room for that joy and satisfaction. 

I hope you have a beloved pet or something else that reminds you that life is meant to be joyful and satisfying. Life is not meant to be spent worrying about what you ate/didn't eat, how much you exercised/didn't exercise, or what size jeans you're wearing/not wearing, etc. Just a reminder, whenever you're struggling those kinds of thoughts, you're getting sucked back into diet culture! 

Sending peace and love your way!