What Diet Culture Gets Wrong About Maintaining Nourishing Habits


Do you feel like a failure when you fall out of a nourishing habit?

So often people like failures when they realize they’ve slipped out of a nourishing habit(s). Many of my clients often feel frustrated and even bewildered by this. They know what makes them feel their best, but for some reason, they just aren’t doing it or aren't doing it with regularity. Following the frustration and bewilderment are also feelings of guilt, shame, and often, further inaction.⁣

While I know first-hand how disappointing this can be, I have a provocative proposition for you. What if instead of continuing to focus on what you’re not doing, you acknowledged that it’s an opportunity to recommit instead?

Healing a relationship with food, body, and movement is about moving closer to the people we are meant to be. It's also about remaining flexible instead of rigid so we can evolve and flourish. Keeping your heart open and acknowledging that habits elude us for a variety of reasons like

  • They're no longer nourishing us because we've outgrown them

  • Realizing expectations were set too high so they were not sustainable

  • Acknowledging that different types of self-care and/or boundary setting is needed

is essential for sustainable change.

Whatever the reason, these are opportunities to reevaluate, ask your body what it needs at this time, and then compassionately and non-judgmentally recommit to yourself again.

Diet culture preaches that we need to be "disciplined" and "accountable". While these qualities can be helpful in fostering change, when they are used as weapons to keep us "on the wagon", they're often counterproductive! This is especially true with movement which is why I created my Joyful Movement at Last! program.

As always, taking the compassionate approach is advised not just because it feels better but because research shows it's more effective in creating sustainable change. To me, that's what a recommitment is. It's a gentle way to start over by reassessing your needs and realigning them with your core values.

Understanding that making adjustments along the way is a necessary part of the healing process is essential for success. Doing this will help to cultivate and strengthen your habits to meet your ever-changing needs.

What nourishing habit would you like to recommit to?

Remember, you don't have to do this alone. Let’s have a conversation so you understand how coaching can support you in your healing journey.