5 Movement Tips to Help Quiet Diet Mentality Thoughts

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I'm sure we'd all agree that it's been a long year! There is great news on the horizon though as more people are receiving the COVID vaccine, flowers (and allergies) are in full bloom, and it's getting warmer outside for most of us.

As we return to "normalcy" let's all remember that it's natural to be a little anxious if we haven't done something for a while. If you are feeling a desire to get back to movement (or anything else), expect that there may be some hesitancy, especially if you've been laying low during the pandemic (which is totally fine).

Some of this hesitancy may also be some diet mentality creeping back in, especially if you've gained weight during the pandemic (which is also totally fine). Remember, diet culture is all about shrinking our bodies to conform to an impossible standard, "fixing" our bodies’ trouble areas, and going outside of our bodies for guidance. As intuitive eaters, we learn that we already have an internal GPS that can guide us. The further we move away from the rigid rules, the more amplified that intuitive voice will become.

Please know that you are not obligated to exercise. However, if you want to but are feeling some resistance, these tips may provide some guidance so you won't overcomplicate or overwhelm yourself.

Pro tip #1
Some movement is better than no movement. As always, rigidity around how much time and what type of movement isn't as important as moving!

Pro tip #2
You have permission to create a movement plan that works for your life and fits into your schedule. Do the best you can to remain flexible.

Pro tip #3
Strengthen your intentions by focusing more on listening to your body instead of meeting your fitness goals.

Pro tip #4
Remember that movement isn't about perfection. Perfectionism causes INACTION.

Pro tip #5
Minimize self-sabotaging behaviors by keeping movement simple and uncomplicated.

Struggling with this? I've often struggled to make movement a priority in my life too. If you want to explore why this may be, download my free quiz What's Getting In Your Way of Exercising with Ease?

Or if you're looking to jump right in to get beneath the procrastinating, overcomplicating and diet mentality thoughts around movement, enroll in my Joyful Movement at Last! program. Community can make all the difference!