How to Say “No” to Food without Feeling Restricted

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While eating past fullness is part of what Ellyn Satter describes as "normal eating", doing it on the regular can be very physically and sometimes emotionally uncomfortable.

If you're new to intuitive eating and are still figuring out your hunger and fullness cues, recognizing when you're hungry before you're in a state of primal hunger and stopping before you're uncomfortably full is expected to happen. In fact, this is part of the learning process.

If you've been practicing intuitive eating for a while and still find yourself eating past fullness, I want to share the two magical questions you can ask yourself that may help you to second guess your next bite. This is not intended to restrict or control your eating in any way. It is simply to offer you a possible solution to feeling overstuffed and uncomfortable.

These questions have helped my clients so much, so I wanted to share them with you all too. Whether you’re a newbie or a more seasoned intuitive eater, when you are already feeling full but still want to eat more, ask yourself these two questions without judgment:

Will you feel deprived if you don't eat it?


Will you regret not eating it?

If you answered yes to either of these questions, it's probably best to eat the food even though you may suffer a little because you know you'll be uncomfortable afterward. If you don't, it's possible that the regret could lead to a binge or overeating more shortly after. This follows the typical restrict binge cycle. 

However, if you answered no to either of these questions, you may want to rethink it and not continue eating. Of course, you may be willing to do this on some days more than others. Know that this is natural and expected. Remember, intuitive eating is not about perfectionism, but about eating flexibly and without judgment.   

Learning to self-regulate when you know you are engaging in behaviors that don't make you feel your best is helpful and healing.

Tuck these questions away somewhere and refer to them as needed. They may come in handy whenever there is an abundance of yummy food available.

Whatever you decide to do is okay. Remember, every eating has the potential to learn something about ourselves and our bodies. So savor while being mindful of the possible lessons.

P.S. Coaching is the perfect space to explore any eating and body image struggles you may be grappling with. Click the button below if you’d like to schedule a free 20-minute connection session with me to see if coaching is a good fit for you.